I've been reading, ok? I've finished a book since my last blog post and have started another. There are many that I want to read but I am either waiting on them at the library or trying to decide how much of my birthday Amazon gift card I should put toward e-books. It's tricky. If I wait and get them from the library, they are free. But waiting sucks. So in the mean time...I've been watching lots of delicious TV.
What have I been watching, you ask? Apparently, the same show in different formats. As of right now, here are the shows I'm currently watching. I'm including links because you need to check them out.
1. Brooklyn Nine Nine
2. The Mindy Project
3. New Girl
4. The Big Bang Theory
5. Modern Family
Earlier, I asked my Facebook friends to share what shows they are looking forward to watching this fall, and I was shocked to find that everyone else is watching dramas while I am strictly watching comedies. I've been giving this a lot of thought while I wistfully stare outside and I discovered that I am watching different variations of the same premise.
All of the shows I like have a large cast of differing people working closely together. They're room mates, co-workers, friends or family members. All of these casts have at least one weirdo female that I find hilarious and/or relatable. They all have a little romance thrown in there somewhere, which I like. But yeah, basically, it's the same show. Here's a bunch of wacky people living their lives with a side of hilarious antics.
I could totally have one of those shows. I'll be the hilarious lead female, and my friends and family can be part of the ensemble. Some of you are quirky enough to be on my show. Kayla, you're in for sure. We're kind of lacking in the romance department since most of my friends are married with kids. Maybe the show would be about my day to day life, dealings with the kids, homeschooling? I'm not sure how interesting that would be though. I think there'd have to be some kind of conflict to keep it interesting. I guess it could be a show about moms? And cats? Moms would watch that, but no one else would. It could be funny...I think. Maybe I could throw in Matt and Cameron to add a different dynamic? I dunno.
I shared this idea with Tim and he told me that I could not portray myself because that would make it a reality show and reality shows suck. So which actress could be me? I've been watching a lot of SNL lately and I like Kate McKinnon. Maybe she'd be a good me.
As for the conflict...well, I guess I could see myself seeking out a purpose in life. (I blogged about that around this time last year! And it was even about TV!) I'm not sure what that would look like on TV. I kind of want to be a writer. But I'm 90% sure a show about a homeschooling mom aspiring to be a writer would be cancelled after one season.
Oh well, back to living vicariously through my shows.

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